Thursday, May 27, 2010

We have began the countdown. Lafe is helping dad get ready for "training" which consists of Les being at Camp Williams, 10 miles away. Here is the kicker: he can't come home for three weeks! Another brilliant plan by the Army. I wonder how many divorces can be chalked up to Army stupidity?

Lafe made a tape "cake" for dad to take.

(Why I can't get the photo placement right I will never know!!) See to pictures for bottom paragrah. Duh!

I am having quite the time with my chickens. One has an eye infection (Goldie) and she and her friend (Tabbitha) are too big for the box in the kitchen but I don't have any coop space to put them until they get a little bigger and can establish their place in the pecking order. These two are glued together and freak out if they are separated.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

We are trying to get everything ready to move. This is so exhausting! I will be glad when it is over. We finally got all that is going to be done to the house done. Now packing is the main concern. I havent' figured out how I am going to get all the animals there yet.

Les sold his motorcyle so we could put money down on a house. I am really glad I just happened to take a few pictures of him and Lafe on it before it was gone. I felt bad that he had to do this. Hopefully he can get another one when he gets home.

We also finally sold the catering truck and that is a relief! Now we don't have to worry about hauling that.