We have began the countdown. Lafe is helping dad get ready for "training" which consists of Les being at Camp Williams, 10 miles away. Here is the kicker: he can't come home for three weeks! Another brilliant plan by the Army. I wonder how many divorces can be chalked up to Army stupidity?
Lafe made a tape "cake" for dad to take.
(Why I can't get the photo placement right I will never know!!) See to pictures for bottom paragrah. Duh!
I am having quite the time with my chickens. One has an eye infection (Goldie) and she and her friend (Tabbitha) are too big for the box in the kitchen but I don't have any coop space to put them until they get a little bigger and can establish their place in the pecking order. These two are glued together and freak out if they are separated.